Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cockeyed Cake

This is the easiest cake in the world. Really. And it's vegan, should you care about that. And a responsible child can do the whole thing on her own (or his, whatever), so long as you handle the oven bits. It's also tasty. You CAN frost it - it's certainly nice frosted - although I'm prone to just devouring the whole thing hot straight from the oven.

Get out your square 9" cake pan. Don't grease it.
1 1/2 cups flour
3 tablespoons cocoa
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons cooking oil
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup cold water (or cold coffee, if you want a mocha cake)
Mix your flour, soda, sugar, cocoa and salt right in the pan. Make three little wells in the mixture. Into one, pour the oil; into the next, the vinegar; into the next, the vanilla. Now pour the cold water over it all and stir it together - you'll see greyish swoops as the soda and vinegar react! Bake it at 350 for half an hour.


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to trying this one for my food-allergic J. Great idea putting your recipes on a separate blog! Thanks for sharing!!

Thea said...

I have a recipe very, very similar to this and it is my most favoritest cake recipe EVER. I've tried much fancier cakes with spendier ingredients, but this one tops them all - it's so easy, cheap and delicious. It's ridiculous.

Jennifer Swanepoel said...

This sounds great! Thanks for sharing it with me! (By the way. In your comment you said, "sprinkle it with icing sugar." What is that??)

Anonymous said...

Make three little wells in the mixture. Into one, pour the oil; into the next, the vinegar; into the next, the vanilla whi do this

Beck said...

Why make the 3 litle wells? So the you can add the 3 different liquids without mixing them together all at once and activating the baking soda before you want, I think.

Unknown said...

I have eaten this, but never made it. But unless I am out of flour it is happening today.

Unknown said...

This is my absolute favorite cake. My mom always sprinkled chocolate chips over the top before baking.